Calculate in queriy or controls?


Jan Il

Hi all - Access 2003 - XP Pro

I have a form which displays parts/product information. In part of the form
there are controls in which specific calculated data is to be displayed, and
I am not sure if the calculations should best be done in the query or in the
form controls.

There are there specific areas. I'll do my best to explain:

1. The client wants to be able to figure the current state sales tax amount
and add it to the sales price of each item based upon the date of sale.
Between 01/01/05 and 12/31/05 = 5%
Between 01/01/06 and 12/31/06 = 5.5%

And have this tax amount automatically added to the unit price and show the
total of sales tax, to be included in the total.

2. To also calculate and display the markup value of 20%, as the default
amount for each item in the control, unless they manually change it in the
control, and display the total sales price in the Sales price control.

3. However, they have an Actual Sales price control in which they may enter
a different sales prices, based upon specific situations, such as; a
discount, the items is used, box is damaged, etc. If they change the bottom
sales amount, they want to know the percentage of difference of the original
sales amount and the Actual sales amount.

I am not sure at this point, never having done this exact type of form
before, so I am not sure which way is really best. I have my ideas based
upon prior work, but, not really sure with such variables, so, thought I
best to ask the experts. :)

I would truly appreciate any input or suggestions on this.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

[MVP] S.Clark

Because the data is PIT, Point In Time, vs something you can look up, that
will never change, my preference would be to calc it on the form. This way,
if the user changes the price, the tax gets updated. Where this can bite
you, is that after an order is complete, if someone changes the price info,
then the tax gets updated. Thus, you need to consider some way to lock the
info after the sale is complete.

Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
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