We use the interest fuction to calculate the interest percentage.
we use the following info:
savings time period: 30/12
payments: 150*12
present value: 0
futurevalue: 250.000
this is an example.
now we want to be able to calculate the interest % when not al
payments are made throughout the whole savings time periode.
for instance:
savings time period: 30/12
payments: 150*12 for only (the first 20 years!!)
presentvalue: 0
future value: 250.000
in this example the payments stop after 20 years and after that th
capital grows for another 10 years to reach the future value o
we need help in how to calculate then the interest % in wich th
payments/capital need to grow to reach this goadl.
maybe we need a totally different fuction for this ... bu I nee
someone to point me in a good direction. wich pro can help us out ?
We use the interest fuction to calculate the interest percentage.
we use the following info:
savings time period: 30/12
payments: 150*12
present value: 0
futurevalue: 250.000
this is an example.
now we want to be able to calculate the interest % when not al
payments are made throughout the whole savings time periode.
for instance:
savings time period: 30/12
payments: 150*12 for only (the first 20 years!!)
presentvalue: 0
future value: 250.000
in this example the payments stop after 20 years and after that th
capital grows for another 10 years to reach the future value o
we need help in how to calculate then the interest % in wich th
payments/capital need to grow to reach this goadl.
maybe we need a totally different fuction for this ... bu I nee
someone to point me in a good direction. wich pro can help us out ?