calculate number of months from baseline date



On the many side of a one-to-many, my many table looks something like

(The " --- " is just to help you see when a new patient begins)


PatientID VisitNo VisitDate MonthsFromVisitZero
1 0 5/1/03 0
1 1 6/1/03 1
1 2 9/1/03 4
1 3 2/1/04 9
2 0 1/1/02 0
2 1 5/1/02 4
3 0 3/1/05 0
3 1 1/1/06 10
3 2 2/1/06 11
3 3 4/1/06 13


But MonthsFromVisitZero is currently blank (those are the values that
*should* be there). How can I create a query that calculates the value
for MonthsFromVisitZero. As I see it, for each visit, for each
patient, I need to subtract VisitDate from (VisitDate WHERE VisitNo =
0). I just can't figure out the syntax.


Michel Walsh

SELECT a.patientID, a.visitNo, a.visitDate, DateDiff("m", b.visitDate,

FROM tableNameHere AS a INNER JOIN
(SELECT patientID, visitDate FROM tableNameHere WHERE visitNo=0) AS b
ÒN a.patientID = b.patientID

ORDER BY a.patientID, a.visitNo

The virtual table picks up only the records where visitNo=0. There is
(assumed) to be only one record, per patientID, with such a record, so,
DateDiff produces the desired result, given the INNER JOIN imposed condition

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP


SELECT a.patientID, a.visitNo, a.visitDate, DateDiff("m", b.visitDate,

FROM tableNameHere AS a INNER JOIN
(SELECT patientID, visitDate FROM tableNameHere WHERE visitNo=0) ASb
ÒN a.patientID = b.patientID

ORDER BY a.patientID, a.visitNo

The virtual table picks up only the records where visitNo=0. There is
(assumed) to be only one record, per patientID, with such a record, so,
DateDiff produces the desired result, given the INNER JOIN imposed condition

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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