Paul Black
Good morning all,
I would like to calculate the date and day of the following please.
If a loan was to be taken out for 96 months with one payment per month
starting with the first payment on say the 18-03-2011 which is in cell
"D1", what formula would I use to give me the date of the other 95
months BUT exclude Saturdays and Sundays, so basically, the payment
date would be on or around the 18th of each month or a day or two days
before if these turn out to be Saturdays or Sundays. I will put the
formula in column "D2
96". I did try using a sum like =D2+365/12 but
it returns Saturdays and Sundays.
The formula I am using to find out what particular day it is, is
=TEXT(WEEKDAY(D1), "dddd").
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
I would like to calculate the date and day of the following please.
If a loan was to be taken out for 96 months with one payment per month
starting with the first payment on say the 18-03-2011 which is in cell
"D1", what formula would I use to give me the date of the other 95
months BUT exclude Saturdays and Sundays, so basically, the payment
date would be on or around the 18th of each month or a day or two days
before if these turn out to be Saturdays or Sundays. I will put the
formula in column "D2
it returns Saturdays and Sundays.
The formula I am using to find out what particular day it is, is
=TEXT(WEEKDAY(D1), "dddd").
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,