calculate results between previous records




Can somebody help me with the following:

I have a table with some numbers and dates. I want to calculate the
difference between the dates and numbers and put that in a table or query.

For example:

field1 field2 field3
abcd 01-01-2004 1000
abcd 31-12-2004 2500
abcd 20-03-2005 2580

i need to know how many months in field2 between the first record and
the next, also for field3.

the result should be:
field1 field2 field3
abcd 11 months 1500
abcd 2 80

I think this should be done in vb, but i how do i start?


Alex said:
to get number of months you can use DateDiff() function. so you can
write a function, which will get a previous record (based on field2
order perhaps) and calculate difference
Hi Alex,

Do you have an example for me using previous record and next record?

David Cox

something like:

SELECT Table1.testdate, Table1.testvalue, [testvalue]-(Select [testvalue]
from [Table1] as X WHERE [Testdate] = (select max(Y.[testdate]) from table1
as Y where y.testdate < [table1.testdate];);) AS difprev
FROM Table1
ORDER BY Table1.testdate DESC;

There is probably a better way

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