Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

How do I check the size of folders/sub folders in Entourage?

CTRL RIGHT CLICK on the holder does not work. The "Get Properties" does not show as active in the menu?

Please advise

William Smith [MVP]

How do I check the size of folders/sub folders in Entourage?

CTRL RIGHT CLICK on the holder does not work. The "Get Properties"
does not show as active in the menu?

That feature is limited to Exchange accounts only.

However, AppleScript can help calculate the sizes for you. Open the
Script Editor application found in /Applications/AppleScript and paste
in the following nine lines (mind the wrapped text):

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set theTotal to 0
set theFolder to the selection
repeat with i from 1 to count of incoming messages of theFolder
set theTotal to (data size of incoming message i of
theFolder) + theTotal
end repeat
set theTotal to theTotal / 1024 / 1024
display dialog "Total of this folder is " & the theTotal & "MB."
end tell

Select one of your folders and then click the Run button in the Script
Editor application. This will take some time to run depending on the
number of messages in your folder. I have not included anything to check
for errors in case you select something other than a folder, so be
careful. It will not total items within sub-folders.

Hope this helps!



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