Calculate the median value before a specified list

Jun 29, 2021
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Hi !
I'm new to Excel and encounter some difficulties ^^' one of them is the following : I need to find the median value of 250 lines before a specified list. Sorry if I can't make myself clear. I have multiple columns, in some of them I have one giving the right pupil diameter, in an other one the left pupil diameter, in an other one the time at which the measure has been made, and an other column telling me if what the pupil was looking is a stimuli or an inter-stimuli screen.

So I need to calculate the median value of the pupil diameter 500ms before the stimuli appears (that is to say, the median of 250 values (lines)). I need to make excel understand I want the median value of these 250 values just before the start of the stimulation, but I don't know how to.
There's a function =MEDIANE(A1:A250) for example, but this is way too slow as I would need to type this 360 times per file (there are 360 stimulations to analyze per file).

I hope I made myself clear, I'm not an english native speaker, sorry ^^'

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