The Win/Lose Streak queries are working, but I am having
trouble adding a Tie Streak query. This is the query I
have. Assuming Id #5 from original message is HScore 2
and VScore 2.
SELECT qScoresAll.Team, Count(qScoresAll.ID) AS
CountOfID, "Tie" AS Streak, Left([Streak],1) & " " &
[CountOfID] AS Strk
FROM qScoresAll
WHERE (((qScoresAll.ID)<(select max(id) from qScoresAll S
where S.Team=qScoresAll.Team and win=0)))
GROUP BY qScoresAll.Team, "Tie";
Attached is the previous message.
trouble adding a Tie Streak query. This is the query I
have. Assuming Id #5 from original message is HScore 2
and VScore 2.
SELECT qScoresAll.Team, Count(qScoresAll.ID) AS
CountOfID, "Tie" AS Streak, Left([Streak],1) & " " &
[CountOfID] AS Strk
FROM qScoresAll
WHERE (((qScoresAll.ID)<(select max(id) from qScoresAll S
where S.Team=qScoresAll.Team and win=0)))
GROUP BY qScoresAll.Team, "Tie";
Attached is the previous message.