calculate work amount depending on when it task occurs



hi everybody,
i've got this scenario, which i'm not sure how to handle:

- project calendar: 6.00-22.00 (16 h), duration expressed in hours
- i've got an activity which is performed by a machinery working 24 hours a
day (7/7) and by two people, one working mon-fri 6.00-14.00 (morning shift)
and the other working mon-fri 14.00-22.00 (afternoon shift)

activity duration must equal machinery work, which is the only data i know;
depending on duration (=machinery work) i need to have project calculate
work for the two people assigned to the task, which must vary a) depending on
machinery work amount, b) depending on time and weekdays task is scheduled

actually, i can't have project correctly re-calculate work amount for human
resources if, say, the task scheduling changes, and no longer starts on
saturday (no work for human resources), yet on monday (in which case i need
project to assume people are besides machinery and increase their work amount)

hopefully was it clear enough
thanks in advance for suggestion


Hello cristina,

There are a couple of things I think are odd in this scenario. If
you create your machine with a 24/7 calendar, it can generate work
24 hours per day, 7 days per week. However, if the machine must be
tended by a combination of resources who only work Monday through
Friday from 06:00 to 22:00, there is no way in Project to tie the
machine resource and the human resources together. So, can the
machine truly work without humans?

You can certainly specify work for the machine and Project will
happily schedule that work 24 hours per day. You can then assign
the same amount of work for each of the human resources but the
schedules will not coordinate. Because of the difference in
calendars, the machine will end its work much earlier than the
resources will finish an equal amount of work.

Project will re-calculate work for resources if the task duration
changes and the work will only be scheduled during working time
defined in the resource's calendar. Take a look at the Task Usage
view in your project to see when and how Project distributes work.
Post back with further questions/clarifications and we'll try to
help out.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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