Calculate work days



I am trying to calculate the number of work days between two dates, excluding
weekends and holidays. I have the DateAddW function that successfully
excludes weekends, but it doesn't exclude holidays. How can I do both?


Holidays are kind of dependant on the individual (no such thing as a standard
set of holidays)

If you had a table of `known holidays` - that way you could include bank
holidays, extra company holidays, invidual booked holidays, unexpected time
off, whatever you want to stick in it - then it would simply be a matter of...

work days = <number of days excluding weekend days> - <number of individual
holiday days in your holiday table that occure within your date range>

martin :)


Thank you very much. I think the information I have already re: how to
calculate work days originally came from you. Now the holiday information
will be all I need. Again - thank you very much.

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