Calculated field totals


Yaron Assa

Hey all,

I'm using a claculted field in my pivot table, with formula
=if(iserror(Bugid/Bugid),0,1). the field functions well, but all the
subtotals show 1, instead of the real sum of the calculated field results.
it look something like

Column1 calc.field.count
X 1
X subtotal 1

Y 0
Y subtotal 0

Z 1
Z subtotal 1

of course that X subtotal should be 2.

all the grand subtotals are also 1 / 0, with no higher values

Debra Dalgleish

You can't change the way the totals are calculated -- they'll use the
same formula as the items, instead of summing. Perhaps you could do the
calculations outside of the pivot table, or in the source data.

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