Calculated field won't display properly


Sue Compelling


I have derived a calculated field of Age (years and months) by using an
individual's DOB though the final result is displaying: (eg)

13 (years) 4.52 (months) when I want it to display
13 (years) 5 (months)

Help ...

My qry is

SELECT IIf(IsNull([SecondName]),[FirstName] & " " & [LastName],[FirstName] &
" " & [SecondName] & " " & [LastName]) AS NameCombined, TblStudents.DOB,
(Date()-[dob])/365 AS AgeComb, Left([agecomb],2) AS AgeYr, Mid([agecomb],4,2)
AS AgeMthRaw, (12*[agemthraw]/100) AS AgeMth, ([AgeYr] & " (years) " &
Format([AgeMth],"@") & " (months)") AS Age
FROM TblStudents;


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