My query is based on Returned materials. One number is issued for a return,
but can contain several parts. A quantity is assigned to each Return.
Occasionally a portion of the Return is shipped, leaving a lesser quantity. I
am using a running sum to calculate quantity remaining after shipment, but
this is affecting my original total calucalation. Any suggestions on how to
keep original quantity, and keep a running total of remaining parts? These
numbers change frequently. It appears I can have one or the other, but I'm
sure I'm simply overlooking something simple.
but can contain several parts. A quantity is assigned to each Return.
Occasionally a portion of the Return is shipped, leaving a lesser quantity. I
am using a running sum to calculate quantity remaining after shipment, but
this is affecting my original total calucalation. Any suggestions on how to
keep original quantity, and keep a running total of remaining parts? These
numbers change frequently. It appears I can have one or the other, but I'm
sure I'm simply overlooking something simple.