Calculated fields in a form from a drop down list.



I want to have a calculated field that calculates its result from a
field that is a drop down list.
I can get the formula to work when the first field is a text field
(numeric format) but when I change that field to a drop down list the
calculated field doesnt work. The name of the field is the same in the

It appears to me that i need to change the format of the drop down list
to numeric some how but I dont know how.
Cant find anything on the Internet.

If you can help I would be greatful.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Run a macro containing code similar to the following (changing the names of
the formfields as necessary) on exit from each of the formfields that
contribute to the calculation:

With ActiveDocument
.FormFields("Text2").result = .FormFields("Text1").result *
End With

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Doug said:
Run a macro containing code similar to the following (changing the names of
the formfields as necessary) on exit from each of the formfields that
contribute to the calculation:

With ActiveDocument
.FormFields("Text2").result = .FormFields("Text1").result *
End With
Thanks very much.

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