Calculated value not available using Single Word Merge



In my Quotes form I have several cost fields and then a subtotal and a profit
All these are summed to provide a selling figure that is held in a Charge
This displays fine on the form.
Using Albert Kallal's Super Easy Word Merge I need my Quotation document to
merge this amount (useful to tell the customer how much you're charging him)
but whatever I do, I can only get a complete blank or at best a 0.
I guess that's understandable as there is nothing stored in the underlying
table and
I have read all the many cautions about not storing calculated values in a
table, but I am mighty tempted!!
How else can I "get at" this calculated figure and use it?

Albert D. Kallal

That is correct. Only fields, and UN-bound text boxes appear in the merge
field list

However, based on your problem I have just up-loaded a new version.

(so, in your existing application, just delete the two code modules, and two
forms..and re-import).

In fact, you can just delete the WordCode module, and then re-import that
from my download.

The change I made is that ALL fields + all un-bound text boxes + ALL text
boxes NOT in the field list are now included..

Previously, all fields + all un-bound text boxes would appear in the

So, give the new code a try.
(the changes have only been uploaded to that a2000 and later version).

If you are using a97, then just base the form on a query that includes the

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