i have a form with 15 questions -- and each question may have multiple
replies. Under each question is the average for the number of responses. I
would like to calculate the overall average based on the number of responses.
To do this I have to examine the field to see if there was indeed a
response. Then divide by the number of hits by the average.
Background: This is a satisfaction survey for services provided to a family.
Each family member can respond to the question and see other members
Example: Q1 has three possible responders. Each response has a value from 1
- 5. If two people answer (respnder "A" pick 5, responder "B" picks 3) the
average would be 4. Q2 responder "A" chooses not to answer however responder
"B" picks 2 so the average would be 2.
This happens 15 times. The goal is an overall average.
Thank you for any help.
replies. Under each question is the average for the number of responses. I
would like to calculate the overall average based on the number of responses.
To do this I have to examine the field to see if there was indeed a
response. Then divide by the number of hits by the average.
Background: This is a satisfaction survey for services provided to a family.
Each family member can respond to the question and see other members
Example: Q1 has three possible responders. Each response has a value from 1
- 5. If two people answer (respnder "A" pick 5, responder "B" picks 3) the
average would be 4. Q2 responder "A" chooses not to answer however responder
"B" picks 2 so the average would be 2.
This happens 15 times. The goal is an overall average.
Thank you for any help.