calculatiing sales tax value


dave hildebrand

I have a database with fields that add a sub total, calculate and add sales tax 6%, this works ok as is. I also have a field called tax exempt. I want to be able to have sales tax look at the tax exempt field for instructions, i.e. if there is no information in the tax exempt field then the 6% sales tax should be added. But if the tax exempt field has any kind of number or text in it then it does not add the sales tax. Everything I have tried so far has not worked
Your help would be greatly appreciated

Fields: Sub Total, Sales Tax, Premium, Balance Due, Tax Exempt

Allen Browne

You want to add no sales tax if Tax Exempt is Null, otherwise 6%?

The sales tax will be:
=IIf([Tax Exempt] Is Null, 0, 0.06 * [Sub Total])

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
dave hildebrand said:
I have a database with fields that add a sub total, calculate and add
sales tax 6%, this works ok as is. I also have a field called tax exempt.
I want to be able to have sales tax look at the tax exempt field for
instructions, i.e. if there is no information in the tax exempt field then
the 6% sales tax should be added. But if the tax exempt field has any kind
of number or text in it then it does not add the sales tax. Everything I
have tried so far has not worked.

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