Calculating all cells of all Worksheets into one Worksheet



I would like to calculate all the cells (e.g. C5) off all the worksheets into one worksheet
I know that I can do something like: =Sheet2!C5+Sheet3!C5+Sheet4!C5+Sheet5!C
I do not know the number of sheets in the future and I do not want to reorganize my calculating sheet everytime there is a new sheet
So I would like =SUM(sheet2!C5:sheet5!C5
but that does not seem to work
Could anyone help me????

Ron de Bruin

Hi Rudy

Add two dummy sheets(empty sheets)with the name start as the first sheet
and one with the name end as the last sheet of your workbook.
this are empty sheets!!!

All worksheets between these sheets will be sum
with this formula


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