Calculating & Avg time in a report


Dale Ring

Access 2000

Each record has several time fields (short time format).
I'm using
the following 2 Textboxes to determine actual "Scene Time"


[txtTotalSceneTime]=[txtTotalTime]\60 & Format_
([txtTotalTime] Mod 60,"\:00")

The field in the first calculation [TimeLeftScene] could
be blank at times.

All of the above is in the detail section.

What I need now is an Average Scene Time for the entire

Any & All suggestions are truly appreciated!


Marshall Barton

Dale said:
Access 2000

Each record has several time fields (short time format).
I'm using
the following 2 Textboxes to determine actual "Scene Time"


[txtTotalSceneTime]=[txtTotalTime]\60 & Format_
([txtTotalTime] Mod 60,"\:00")

The field in the first calculation [TimeLeftScene] could
be blank at times.

All of the above is in the detail section.

What I need now is an Average Scene Time for the entire

Assuming that TimeArrivedScene and TimeLeftScene are fields
in the report's record source, try using a text box with the


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