Calculating Difference in Time (Amt. of Time Transpired)



Hello, and thank you in advance for help with this 'formula'. I am trying to
calculate the amount of time between two events. I am able to calculate if
the event times times fall within one calendar day; for example:
Event 1 11:35 AM Event 2 6:42 PM
Amount of Time = (6:42 PM) - (11:35 AM) = 7hr 7min
I am running into a problem when the second event takes place the following
day; for example:
Event 1 10:53 PM Event 2 3:41 AM
Amount of Time = (3:41 AM) - (10:53 PM) = (#VALUE!)
The result should be 4hr 48 min, but that is where I am stuck. Does anyone
know of a formula to perform this calculation when the second event occurs on
the following calendar? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
Dan Wollam

Bob Phillips




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Thank you Andrea, I will try your suggestion, as well as Bob's to see which
better suits my needs. Thank you.


Thank you Bob, I will try your suggestion, as well as Andrea's to see which
better suits my needs. Thank you.

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