calculating different percentages depending on amount



I'd appreciate help with a formula

I need a formula to calculate the following

4.5% of any amount up to and equal to $41,100.00 PLUS 6.00% on an
amount above $41,100.

ie $20,000 would be (20,000 x .045) $900.00

ie $50,000 would be [(41,100 x .05) + (8,900 x .060)] $2,383.50

Thanks Pete


Here's one which may work. Just substitute A1 with the cell your
information is in.


I'd appreciate help with a formula

I need a formula to calculate the following

4.5% of any amount up to and equal to $41,100.00 PLUS 6.00% on any
amount above $41,100.

ie $20,000 would be (20,000 x .045) $900.00

ie $50,000 would be [(41,100 x .05) + (8,900 x .060)] $2,383.50

Thanks Peter


THe formula worked for amount $41,100 or less but didn't for amounts

At first I thought it was because of a wrong percentage in the second
half of the formula but that wasn't it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Thanks Peter


pgruening said:
I'd appreciate help with a formula

I need a formula to calculate the following

4.5% of any amount up to and equal to $41,100.00 PLUS 6.00% on any
amount above $41,100.

ie $20,000 would be (20,000 x .045) $900.00

ie $50,000 would be [(41,100 x .05) + (8,900 x .060)] $2,383.50

Thanks Peter

Hi Peter,

Looks like
=min(amount,41100)*0.045 + (max(amount-41100,0))*0.060


Gary''s Student

If A1 contains the amount then
enter: =IF(A1>41100,1849.5+(A1-41100)*0.06,0.045*A1)

David Biddulph

goober said:
Here's one which may work. Just substitute A1 with the cell your
information is in.


Or did you mean:
=IF(A1<=41100,A1*.045,(A1*.045)+((A1-41100)*.06)) ?

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