I tried out your suggestion but it keeps giving me the word "Error" in form view for the field where I set the default value. When I typed in your formula I typed in the "vbThursday" phrase (without quotation marks). When I went back to it later, Access had placed quotation marks around that phrase.
----- Ken Snell wrote: -----
Try this as the Default Value expression (assuming that you always "round
up" to the next week if the current day of the week is Thursday, etc.):
=DateAdd("d", 21 - DatePart("w", Date(), vbThursday), Date())
Ken Snell
S. Roberts said:
I am trying to set the "default value" for a date field in an Access
Database. I would like the date to be set two weeks in the future, but the
day of the week should always be "Wednesday". Any suggestions?