How do I set up a table field to calculate the record
individual's age, given today's date and that
individual's date of birth?
Like everyone says, you don't even try to set it up as a column in a table.
If you want to calcuate it in a query or on a form, though, this might
' Provide a helpfully formatted output of calculated age
Public Function IntelligentAge(BirthDate As Date) As String
Dim strAge As String
Dim dwAgeInDays As Long
Dim dblDateInUnits As Double
Dim dblBirthDateInUnits As Double
' Days is the only thing we can really bank on
dwAgeInDays = Date - DateValue(BirthDate)
' Okay, let's do some stratification
Select Case dwAgeInDays
Case Is < 15 ' up to two weeks
strAge = dwAgeInDays & " days"
Case 15 To 182 ' two weeks to six months
strAge = Int(dwAgeInDays / 7) & " weeks"
Case 183 To 730 ' six months to two years
dblDateInUnits = 12 * Year(Date) + Month(Date) + _
(Day(Date) / Day(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 1, 0)))
dblBirthDateInUnits = 12 * Year(BirthDate) + _
Month(BirthDate) + _
(Day(BirthDate) / Day(DateSerial(Year(BirthDate), _
Month(BirthDate) + 1, _
strAge = Format$(dblDateInUnits - dblBirthDateInUnits, _
"0.0 ""months""")
Case Is > 730 ' over two years
' decimal ages are used in medicine a lot: but you
' can simplify this if you want whole numbers of years
' calculate a decimal date for today
dblDateInUnits = Year(Date) + _
(CDbl(Format$(Date, "y")) / _
CDbl(Format$(DateSerial(Year(Date) + 1, 1, 0), "y")))
' calculate a decimal date for the birthdate
dblBirthDateInUnits = Year(BirthDate) + _
(CDbl(Format$(BirthDate, "y")) / _
CDbl(Format$(DateSerial(Year(BirthDate) + 1, 1, 0), "y")))
' subtract them for a decimal age
strAge = Format$(dblDateInUnits - dblBirthDateInUnits, "0.0 ""years""")
End Select
' return the formatted value
IntelligentAge = strAge
End Function
Hope that helps
Tim F