Calculating Percentages with Variables



How can I set up a spread set to calculate percentages with variables. Such
12/31/04 % 01/31/05 % 02/28/05
312,112,345 789,789,159 421,951,753
7,895,359 6,125,359 7,123,456

I want to calculate the percentage of increase or decrease per month for
each officer. When I use B2: =C2/A2 - 1 its only calculating one
way, giving false percentage. I tried the =If(or, but am getting false
percentages with that formula as well. HELP!!!

Fred Smith

To calculate the difference in percent, the formula is =(new-old)/old,
formatted as percent.

Telling us the formula you are using is =c2/a2-1 doesn't help if we don't
know what's in c2 or a2. Telling us you tried an If( function doesn't help
if you don't give us the whole function.

If December's number is in A2, and January's is in B2, the difference in
percent is =(b2-a2)/a2

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