Marc said:
My file is large. It has about 1000 entries with different stock tickers,
with different buy and sell dates. Was wondering if I could automate it
Aha! Now you asking the right question ;-).
Frankly, I would prefer to reorganize your data so that XIRR can be used
directly. Hindsight is 20-20. We could provide a macro to do that. Then
you can maintain the new organization going forward.
Alternatively, the following macro automates the manual steps that I believe
are necessary in order to compute the XIRR.
It is something of a kludge to work around the fact that
WorksheetFunctions.XIRR does not work in Excel 2003. If you have Excel
2007, see if WorksheetFunctions.XIRR is supported. If it is, the following
macro can be simplified to some degree.
Note: The macro assumes that the data in the 1000 entries is exactly as you
presented them in the examples in your posting. If the relavent data --
transaction date, security and amount -- are not exactly as you presented
them, the macro will need to be changed.
How to set up the macro:
1. Press alt+F11 to open the VBA window.
2. Click Insert > Module, which open the VBA editing pane.
3. Copy-and-paste the text of the macro below into the editing pane.
4. Edit the constants xRange, yRange, and myData as needed. xRange and
yRange must be two completely unused columns in the worksheet that contains
the 1000 entries. myData must be the name assigned to the range of 1000
entries below.
How to use the macro:
1. Select the entire range of data that includes all 1000 entries. Name the
range "data". If you prefer another name, you need to change myData in the
2. Find an area where you have at least 2 unused adjacent cells. In the
left cells, list the name of each security in the 1000 entries.
3. For each security name, select the cell, then execute the macro by
pressing alt+F8, selecting the macro name myXIRR, and clicking Run.
If this does not satisfy your needs, please do not start yet-another thread.
Simply post a response in this thread. That will permit others to see the
context of the question as well as what ideas failed to meet your needs.
Sub myXIRR()
'*** modify the following constants ***
Const myDataName As String = "data"
Const tmpDateCol As String = "x"
Const tmpValCol As String = "y"
Dim myName As String, myData As Range
Dim n As Long, r As Long
Dim x1 As String, y1 As String, xyRange As String
Dim x1Range As String, y1Range As String
x1 = tmpDateCol & 1 'cell name "x1"
y1 = tmpValCol & 1 'cell name "y1"
x1Range = x1 & ":" & tmpDateCol 'partial range "x1:x"
y1Range = y1 & ":" & tmpValCol 'partial range "y1:y"
xyRange = tmpDateCol & ":" & tmpValCol 'range "x:y"
Set myData = Range(myDataName)
myName = UCase(Selection)
n = 0
For r = 1 To myData.Rows.Count
If UCase(myData.Cells(r, 2)) = myName Then
n = n + 1
Range(x1).Cells(n, 1) = myData.Cells(r, 1)
Range(y1).Cells(n, 1) = myData.Cells(r, 3)
ElseIf UCase(Range("data").Cells(r, 3)) = myName Then
n = n + 1
Range(x1).Cells(n, 1) = myData.Cells(r, 1)
Range(y1).Cells(n, 1) = myData.Cells(r, 2)
End If
Next r
If n > 0 Then
'execute formula =XIRR(y1:yN,x1:yN)
'then replace with value
Selection.Cells(1, 2).Formula = _
"=xirr(" & y1Range & n & "," & x1Range & n & ")"
Selection.Cells(1, 2) = Selection.Cells(1, 2)
Selection.Cells(1, 2).NumberFormat = "0.00%"
End If
End Sub
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