I have column headings for DATE, $RATE,UNITS PER WK,NUMBER OF WEEKS, TOTAL.
At the bottom I have cells for JAN, FEB, MAR etc.
I want the month cells to automatically aggregate the total $ for that
calendar month by looking for the dates in the DATE column and adding the
totals from the TOTAL column. There may be multiple January dates in the date
column so there will be multiple rows with January relevant totals.
I need a formula to place in each MONTH cell that will generate the info I
At the bottom I have cells for JAN, FEB, MAR etc.
I want the month cells to automatically aggregate the total $ for that
calendar month by looking for the dates in the DATE column and adding the
totals from the TOTAL column. There may be multiple January dates in the date
column so there will be multiple rows with January relevant totals.
I need a formula to place in each MONTH cell that will generate the info I