calculating the rate of pay



Hi, I am trying to calculate the rate of pay based upon a
code type. If they are paraprofessional, then pay is $18
per hour, if they are professional it is $20.

I have the following formula started but it doesnt work.

First I determined if they are paraprofessional
using this formula

Para: IIF ([tbl!Profcode] = "1",1,0)

next field
Chargerate: IIF (Para = "1","18.00",$20.00)

got any ideas?

There are only 3 paraprofessionals so if I get those equal
to 1 then the rest are $20. Only 3 will be $18.

Duane Hookom

Assuming ProfCode is numeric, use:
ChargeRate: IIf([ProfCode]=1, 18,20)
If the field is text
ChargeRate: IIf([ProfCode]="1", 18,20)
I'm not sure why you attempted to use quotes around 18.00 and then added $
to 20.00?


Why do it in two steps?

Have you tried ...

Chargerate: ccur([tbl!Profcode] = "1",18.00,20.00))

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