I have a table stock, a table users, a table handsets, a table accessoires
and a table 'vaste' accessoires
(excuse any dutch words like 'vaste' they're just names)
The relationships are like this
Stock table has an ID linked to the ID of the table Handsets
The table users is linked to accessoires and vasteAccessoires.
The ID of accessoires links to several fields in users and the same goes for
Handsets, Accessoires and vasteAccoires are tables with product info and
have the same type of fields:
ID, Name and Price.
Both the table users and the table stock have a field called Kostenplaats
What I have now is 1 query that has 3 subqueries.
The query is called Totalcosts
And what it does it show per Kostenplaats what kind of costs it has in
Handsets, Accessoires en vasteAccessoires.
So the result would look like this:
Kostenplaats - TotalHandsets - TotalAccessoires - TotalVasteAccessoires
With values under it.
Now I want to have a total of those values, grouped by kostenplaats.
I need to show these values in a report.
I did manage to make a field in my report with the following source:
=[totalHandset] + [totalAccessoires] + [totalVasteAccessoires]
This works just fine, until one or two of those values are missing.
If for example only [totalHandset] and [totalAccessoires] have values, then
it won't display my Total value anymore
Does anyone know a solution for this problem??
I have a table stock, a table users, a table handsets, a table accessoires
and a table 'vaste' accessoires
(excuse any dutch words like 'vaste' they're just names)
The relationships are like this
Stock table has an ID linked to the ID of the table Handsets
The table users is linked to accessoires and vasteAccessoires.
The ID of accessoires links to several fields in users and the same goes for
Handsets, Accessoires and vasteAccoires are tables with product info and
have the same type of fields:
ID, Name and Price.
Both the table users and the table stock have a field called Kostenplaats
What I have now is 1 query that has 3 subqueries.
The query is called Totalcosts
And what it does it show per Kostenplaats what kind of costs it has in
Handsets, Accessoires en vasteAccessoires.
So the result would look like this:
Kostenplaats - TotalHandsets - TotalAccessoires - TotalVasteAccessoires
With values under it.
Now I want to have a total of those values, grouped by kostenplaats.
I need to show these values in a report.
I did manage to make a field in my report with the following source:
=[totalHandset] + [totalAccessoires] + [totalVasteAccessoires]
This works just fine, until one or two of those values are missing.
If for example only [totalHandset] and [totalAccessoires] have values, then
it won't display my Total value anymore
Does anyone know a solution for this problem??