Calculating the week number in Excel


Nimmi Srivastav

I am using the following formula to compute the week number based on
the ISO standard ISO8601:2000



As per this formula, 1/1/2009 should be week 1. However, as per my
Outlook calendar 1/1/2009 through 1/3/2009 show up as week 53. Can
someone kindly explain the discrepancy?


Niek Otten

Read this:

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I am using the following formula to compute the week number based on
| the ISO standard ISO8601:2000
| WEEKDAY(B4-1)+4),1,3))+5)
| (
| As per this formula, 1/1/2009 should be week 1. However, as per my
| Outlook calendar 1/1/2009 through 1/3/2009 show up as week 53. Can
| someone kindly explain the discrepancy?
| Thanks,
| NS

Shane Devenshire

Hi Nimmi,

Assuming you are entering your dates as m/d/y then you could use the
following formula:


or you could use a VBA function:

Public Function ISOWeekNum(mydate As Date) As Byte
D = mydate - 2
T = CDate("1/2/" & year(D - D Mod 7 + 5))
ISOWeekNum = (D - T + T Mod 7 + 4) / 7
End Function

I dimmed the variables at the Module level, so they don't show here. In the
spreadsheet the function reads =ISOWeekNum(A1) where A1 contains 1/1/2009.

Shane Devenshire
Microsoft Excel MVP

Mais qui est Paul

Bonsour® Nimmi Srivastav avec ferveur ;o))) vous nous disiez :
I am using the following formula to compute the week number based on
the ISO standard ISO8601:2000


a shorter one :

only valid till year 2100
not valid with 1904 calendar option

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