Calculating time differences in Excel



How can I calculate the time difference in excel with the accuracy of
a hundredth of a second?
The times are in the following form:
13:25:59.76 13:26:01.05

thank you in advance,



Ville said:
How can I calculate the time difference in excel with the accuracy of
a hundredth of a second?
The times are in the following form:
13:25:59.76 13:26:01.05

thank you in advance,


Format the cells as hh:mm:ss.00 and then just subtract the earlier time from
the later (e.g. =B1-A1) to get 00:00:01.29


Anon said:
Format the cells as hh:mm:ss.00 and then just subtract the earlier time from
the later (e.g. =B1-A1) to get 00:00:01.29

Thank you for your answer, however I did not get that to work, the
result I get is #VALUE!. I tried to change the decimal symbol, but
that didn't help.
Any more suggestions?

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