Calculating Time employeed



Hello Everyone

I need help with a formula. I need to calculate a hire date and time off earned and the time off earned will be based on how long they have been employed. Here is an example

Date of Hire Vacation Earned (if 1 yr = 5 days off; If 2-6 years = 10 days off; If 7-14 years = 15 days off; If 15 years = 20 days off)

Mark Graesser

Assuming your hire date is in A1 you can use the following


In A3: =IF(B1>15,20,IF(B1>7,15,IF(B1>2,10,IF(B1>1,5,0)))

The formula in A2 will give you the years of service. The formula in A3 will give you the earned vacation days

Good Luck
Mark Graesse
(e-mail address removed)

----- Anderson wrote: ----

Hello Everyone

I need help with a formula. I need to calculate a hire date and time off earned and the time off earned will be based on how long they have been employed. Here is an example

Date of Hire Vacation Earned (if 1 yr = 5 days off; If 2-6 years = 10 days off; If 7-14 years = 15 days off; If 15 years = 20 days off)

Mark Graesser

Oops. I forgot that YEARFRAC is in the Analysis ToolPak. To load this go to Tools Add_Ins... on the pulldown menu. Select Analysis ToolPak and hit OK. You might need to exit and rerun excel for this to activate.

Good Luck,
Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)


Hello Mark,

Thanks for the input. However, it does not seem to be working??? Can I show you my work?

Anderson, Kim

----- Mark Graesser wrote: -----

Oops. I forgot that YEARFRAC is in the Analysis ToolPak. To load this go to Tools Add_Ins... on the pulldown menu. Select Analysis ToolPak and hit OK. You might need to exit and rerun excel for this to activate.

Good Luck,
Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)



With your hire date in A1:



Daniel M.

Anderson said:
Hello Everyone,

I need help with a formula. I need to calculate a hire date and time off
earned and the time off earned will be based on how long they have been
employed. Here is an example:
Date of Hire Vacation Earned (if 1 yr = 5 days off; If 2-6 years = 10 days
off; If 7-14 years = 15 days off; If 15 years = 20 days off)

Mark Graesser

I'd be happy to take a look if you want to email me the file. Did you see Daniel's LOOKUP function. It's short and sweet and doesn't use the helper cell.

You could also replace the YEARFRAC function with the DATEDIF (Date Difference) function if you give this file to other people, because YEARFRAC won't work if they haven't loaded the Analysis toolpak.

Chip Pearson has some info on the DATEDIF function at:

I have Excel 97, and though this function works it doesn't even come up in the Insert Function Wizard.

Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)

----- Anderson wrote: -----

Hello Mark,

Thanks for the input. However, it does not seem to be working??? Can I show you my work?

Anderson, Kim

----- Mark Graesser wrote: -----

Oops. I forgot that YEARFRAC is in the Analysis ToolPak. To load this go to Tools Add_Ins... on the pulldown menu. Select Analysis ToolPak and hit OK. You might need to exit and rerun excel for this to activate.

Good Luck,
Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)

Norman Harker

Hi Mark!

There are some problems with YEARFRAC where dates are more than a year
apart. It's an algorithm thing.

If the problem is one of calculating whole years of service then

appears OK and doesn't produce errors at any time as far as my testing

For exact calculation of years and fractions life becomes more

Myrna Larsen and I did some work on this earlier this year.

I came up with this formula replacement:

Age in years and fractions of a year:



A complete run down on the problem including Myrna's VBA UDF
equivalent follows.

Problem with YEARFRAC Option 1 for fractions over a year

Analysis ToolPak has a YEARFRAC function which has apparent
attractions for calculating the difference between dates in terms of a
year and fractions of a year. The difficulty of such calculations is
that years have varying lengths and approximations of 365.25 produce
errors because 365.25 may not be the average length of year involving
any two dates.

YEARFRAC has the syntax:


YEARFRAC has alternative third arguments for its calculations. Outside
specialist financial instrument basis arguments 2 and 4, the two that
are of initial interest are Argument basis = 1 (Actual / Actual) and
Argument basis = 3 (Actual / 365). The numerator of these fractions is
the number of days and the denominator is the assumed length of year.

Where YEARFRAC basis = 1 and the dates are more than a year apart it
can be
shown that YEARFRAC uses as its divisor the average number of days in
years start_date to end_date inclusive of the start_date and end_date
irrespective of where in those years the start_date and end_date

But where the dates are 1 year or less apart it uses either 365 or 366
depending upon whether either year is a Leap Year and where in the
year the
start_date and end_date fall relative to 29-Feb.

That makes YEARFRAC basis 1 difficult to replicate as a formula and it
produces non-exact years of service for all anniversary dates except

I can't see how YEARFRAC can be used for years of service with basis 1
strikes me as the most likely candidate. YEARFRAC with basis = 3
fails to produce exact years for all anniversary dates except the
This is important in the context of finding a method that can be used
legal entitlements and any alternative must have consistency. The
must also be one that is capable of being translated to an acceptable
definition in terms of how it is calculated or lawyers will have a
ball and
we will be that ball. (Not a bad mixed metaphor that one!)

So I go for a formula approach and hope that I can get a clear up
on the way.

Calculating whole years is easy:
I've tested this and it always seems to give the right answer and it's
simplest approach.

Calculating residual days is not so easy!
returns some annoying 1 day errors for example:
returns: 333
returns: 335
There's got to be something wrong there!

returns: 181
returns: 181
There's got to be something wrong there as well!

So to calculate the days since the last anniversary date I use:

I've tested this and it doesn't appear to produce any errors.

So we have an algorithm for years and days between dates that yields
correct answer:

=DATEDIF(A1,B1,"y") & " y " &
B1-DATE(YEAR(A1)+DATEDIF(A1,B1,"y"),MONTH(A1),DAY(A1)) & " d"

This in itself is a very useful formula as it is different from the
one that
we usually use and which produces errors for dates such as those used

Determining the numerator for calculating the fraction of a year for
residual days is a debatable point. Various arguments can be put
forward for
different approaches but to my mind the most logical is to use the
count of
days between the last anniversary and the next anniversary. In essence
saying that we ask the question, "How many days are there between the
anniversary and the next anniversary and what decimal fraction of
those days
have I used up?" Since my formula and your UDF produce the same
answers, it
appears that we are using the same logic (but not necessarily the
one <vbg>).

To calculate this number of days, I need to calculate the date of the
anniversary and deduct the date of the previous anniversary and here,
course I hit the same problem of potential for error in calculating

Date of Next Anniversary is:


Date of Previous Anniversary is:


So days between Anniversaries is:


So I can now calculate the fraction of the year between anniversaries.


Add that to the number of whole years:


This algorithm was tested against a VBA function solution by Myrna
Larsen and they checked with one another in all cases. The VBA
solution is:

Function YearDiff(ByVal StartDate As Date, _

Optional ByVal EndDate As Date = #1/1/100#) As Double

'modified 02/01/2003

Dim AnnDay As Long

Dim AnnMonth As Long

Dim AnnYear As Long

Dim ltemp As Date

Dim NextAnn As Date

Dim PrevAnn As Date

If EndDate = #1/1/100# Then EndDate = Date

'put in right order if necessary

If StartDate > EndDate Then

ltemp = StartDate

StartDate = EndDate

EndDate = ltemp

End If

'get anniversary date in ending year

AnnYear = Year(EndDate)

AnnMonth = Month(StartDate)

AnnDay = Day(StartDate)

'assume it's already occurred

PrevAnn = DateSerial(AnnYear, AnnMonth, AnnDay)

If PrevAnn <= EndDate Then

'assumption that it's past was correct

'next anniversary is 1 year in the future

NextAnn = DateSerial(AnnYear + 1, AnnMonth, AnnDay)


'wrong -- we calculated the *next* anniversary

NextAnn = PrevAnn

AnnYear = AnnYear - 1

PrevAnn = DateSerial(AnnYear, AnnMonth, AnnDay)

End If

YearDiff = AnnYear - Year(StartDate) + _

(EndDate - PrevAnn) / (NextAnn - PrevAnn)

End Function 'YearDiff

And here's a quote from an e-mail from Myrna Larson that adds more to
the gory details of this function:

But I have an even better (i.e. worse) one:

with dates Jan 1, 1960, Jan 1, 2003, and Basis = 2; result should
be 43, but YEARFRAC gets 43.62778 !!!

With the first date 1/1/1936, the error is 0.97778!

Assuming that (perhaps) YEARFRAC is correct for periods up to 1 year,
in order to take advantage of it's Day Count Basis argument, I wrote a
new function that calculated the number of whole years from start date
to last anniversary date, used YEARFRAC to calculate the fractional
year from the anniversary to the final date, and added the 2 together.

With a starting date in the year 1936 and testing against all dates in
the year 2003, I get the same result for day count basis of 0 or 4,
but differences for 1, 2, or 3. The typical difference equated to
~0.25 days for option 1, 357 days for option 2, and 17 days for option
3 (I got that by subtracting my result from YEARFRAC's and multiplying
by 365.25).

They have sure fouled something up with options 2 and 3!

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.
Mark Graesser said:
Assuming your hire date is in A1 you can use the following:

in A2: =YEARFRAC(A1,TODAY(),1)

In A3: =IF(B1>15,20,IF(B1>7,15,IF(B1>2,10,IF(B1>1,5,0))))

The formula in A2 will give you the years of service. The formula
in A3 will give you the earned vacation days.
Good Luck,
Mark Graesser
(e-mail address removed)

----- Anderson wrote: -----

Hello Everyone,

I need help with a formula. I need to calculate a hire date
and time off earned and the time off earned will be based on how long
they have been employed. Here is an example:
Date of Hire Vacation Earned (if 1 yr = 5 days off; If 2-6
years = 10 days off; If 7-14 years = 15 days off; If 15 years = 20
days off)

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