Even if you enter your numbers as text, the program will determine results
in a mathematically correct way and you might be setting yourself up for
some odd results based on what you've described.
If you're entering minutes, and you write decimal point one five ".15" that
might been 15 100ths of a minute and I doubt that's what you wanted. If you
intend for .15 to be interpreted as 15 minutes, that won't happen (15 100ths
of an hour is actually 9 minutes and I don't think that's what you want).
If you're really wanting to enter minutes, just enter the number without a
decimal point. The problem is that if you're just typing this into a column
in Word or into cells in a Word table rather than a form, it's tough to
limit data entry to multiples of 15 minutes but if you're the only user of
this setup that shouldn't be a problem; you just know to enter 15, 30, 45,
60, 75 or whatever the correct number of minutes is.