if customer bill is waived place 0 in the water bill columm, gal used must be
greater than 25,000 otherwise, the water bill is 0. For all other accounts,
the billing rate varies based on the type of customer. billing rate is $3,2
&1.50 per thousand gallons used depending on the type of customer, there is a
billing rate worksheet. I'm using formula =if(c2="Yes" or g2<25,000,0,
vlookup(b2,page!b3:c5,2)*g2) is not working. Need help please.
Thank you.
greater than 25,000 otherwise, the water bill is 0. For all other accounts,
the billing rate varies based on the type of customer. billing rate is $3,2
&1.50 per thousand gallons used depending on the type of customer, there is a
billing rate worksheet. I'm using formula =if(c2="Yes" or g2<25,000,0,
vlookup(b2,page!b3:c5,2)*g2) is not working. Need help please.
Thank you.