Dave F
I'm trying to write a macro to calculate the weighted average cost of
capital, based on values inputted by the user who executes the macro.
Following is the code I have but it occurs to me that this looks
rather ungainly. Is there a better way to write code of this sort:
Sub CalculateWACC()
Dim MyString1 As String, MyString2 As String
Dim MyString3 As String, MyString4 As String
Dim MyString5 As String
'Prompts the user for values to input to calculate the weighted
'cost of capital, based on the formula
'c = (E/K) * y + (D/K) * b(1 - t)
'where: K = D + E
'c = weighted average cost of capital (%)
'y = required or expected return on equity (%)
'b = required or expected return on borrowings (%)
't = corporate tax rate (%)
'D = total debt and leases (currency)
'E = total equity and equity equivalents (currency)
'K = total capital invested in the going concern (currency)
MyString1 = Application.InputBox("enter required or expected
return on equity")
MyString2 = Application.InputBox("enter required or expected
return on debt")
MyString3 = Application.InputBox("enter corporate tax rate")
MyString4 = Application.InputBox("enter total debt and leases")
MyString5 = Application.InputBox("enter total equity and equity
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A1") = MyString1
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A2") = MyString2
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A3") = MyString3
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A4") = MyString4
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A5") = MyString5
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A6") = "SUM(A4+A5)"
End Sub
capital, based on values inputted by the user who executes the macro.
Following is the code I have but it occurs to me that this looks
rather ungainly. Is there a better way to write code of this sort:
Sub CalculateWACC()
Dim MyString1 As String, MyString2 As String
Dim MyString3 As String, MyString4 As String
Dim MyString5 As String
'Prompts the user for values to input to calculate the weighted
'cost of capital, based on the formula
'c = (E/K) * y + (D/K) * b(1 - t)
'where: K = D + E
'c = weighted average cost of capital (%)
'y = required or expected return on equity (%)
'b = required or expected return on borrowings (%)
't = corporate tax rate (%)
'D = total debt and leases (currency)
'E = total equity and equity equivalents (currency)
'K = total capital invested in the going concern (currency)
MyString1 = Application.InputBox("enter required or expected
return on equity")
MyString2 = Application.InputBox("enter required or expected
return on debt")
MyString3 = Application.InputBox("enter corporate tax rate")
MyString4 = Application.InputBox("enter total debt and leases")
MyString5 = Application.InputBox("enter total equity and equity
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A1") = MyString1
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A2") = MyString2
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A3") = MyString3
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A4") = MyString4
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A5") = MyString5
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A6") = "SUM(A4+A5)"
End Sub