Calculation based on 2 cols



I have a file that looks like this

Key ATB Time: Start: Difference
hip 8:22 8:49 0:27
Knee 15:15 15:40 0:25
cabg 12:35 12:58 0:23

Difference equals (Start) - (ATB Time)
Values of the columns are hour:minute

I need to count how many of the "Difference" values are less than 1:0
for each of the values in the "Key" column. In other words, how man
"hips" had "Difference" values that were <1:00.

I'm sure there is a formula to do this but it's one of those thing
that if you don't know the answer you can't ask the right question.

Thanks in advance for any help!



En Englais si vous plait :)


I'm just kidding about the language. It took me a second to figure out what
formulas you were using.

Vincnet. said:
Par exemple :

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