I have the above vba, which loops thru rows b9 to 383 and checks th
cell values, colouring the cells in G depending upon the result.
My question is this = at the moment this is only usable for checking
against BF. What I would like is for it to go from bF to CJ and chec
each row value against row 385 for each row.
Thanks for help anyone.
Sub TrafficLights()
Dim R As Integer
Dim Pcent As Integer
Pcent = 0.05
For R = 9 To 383 ' note the number range relates to the rows
If Range("BF" & R).Value < (Range("bf385").Value + Pcent) Then
Range("bf" & R).Interior.Color = vbGreen
Range("bf" & R).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next R
End Sub
End Su
cell values, colouring the cells in G depending upon the result.
My question is this = at the moment this is only usable for checking
against BF. What I would like is for it to go from bF to CJ and chec
each row value against row 385 for each row.
Thanks for help anyone.
Sub TrafficLights()
Dim R As Integer
Dim Pcent As Integer
Pcent = 0.05
For R = 9 To 383 ' note the number range relates to the rows
If Range("BF" & R).Value < (Range("bf385").Value + Pcent) Then
Range("bf" & R).Interior.Color = vbGreen
Range("bf" & R).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next R
End Sub
End Su