Calculation help



I want to calculate production numbers
I have the actual production number in F5 (115 peices)
I have the time duration in I5 :)59)
I need the average per hour in J5
Can someone help please
If more info is required please let me know

Roger Govier

Hi Norm

Time is stored as fractions of a day (24 hours).
Format J5 as General
Result is 116.95


I want to calculate production numbers
I have the actual production number in F5 (115 peices)
I have the time duration in I5 :)59)
I need the average per hour in J5
Can someone help please
If more info is required please let me know

Be sure F5 is number format, I5 is time format, J5 is h:ss and ente
this formula:

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