calculation in word mail merge



I have a word document in which I want to calculate the percentage of a
dollar amount to get another dollar amount. The data source does include the
1st dollar amount and the merge letter has the percentage. Microsoft says I
can use bookmarks but it doesn't "show me how" or explain better. I've even
tried entering a formula in the table in my data source but keep getting
syntax error. Can anyone help?

Doug Robbins

If you select the percentage and insert a bookmark named percent, the
following field construction will calculate the percentage

{ = { REF percent }*{ MERGEFIELD currencymergefieldname } \ "$#,##0.00" }

if the percent bookmark also includes the % sign. If it does not, then you
would need to use

{ = { REF percent }*{ MERGEFIELD currencymergefieldname }/100 \
"$#,##0.00" }

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


I must really be dense; I included the field (your example) in my word Data
Source under "Formula" but that's what was included on my merged letter (the
field construction); do I not do anything with the data source? I tried
inserting the bookmark in each of the mail merge doc and when that didn't
work, the data source.


Hi Chiily,

You don't need to do anything to the data source. Also, the field braces (ie
'{ }') are created in pairs via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them in.

The simplest way to create the field would be to:
.. Duplicate your existing MERGEFIELD;
.. Select the duplicate MERGEFIELD
.. Press Ctrl-F9 to create another field around it. You should now have
something that looks like:
{ <<ProductValue>> }
.. Type between the field braces so that you get:
{=ROUND(<<ProductValue>>*10%,2) \# $,0.00}
for the percentage value in isolation, or
{=ROUND(<<ProductValue>>*110%,2) \# $,0.00}
for the aggregated initial value, plus the percentage.
.. Substitute your % for the 10% and changing both the '2' and the '00' to
match the required number of decimals
.. Press F9 to update the field


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