calculation problem



thanks Pete for reply

butt here is also problem some time equate have thier bobtial and flatbed i
need to calculate seprate bobtail and flatbed belong equate if i calculate
the equate then it will all calculate not just reefer below some samle of
same problem with pv also i need that i can calculate the reefer which belong
Pv and can calculate the bobtail with Belong PV and at anothoer cell
i hope are you understanding me

Type Project
Reefer PV
Reefer Equate
Reefer PV
bobtail Equate
Reefer PV
Type Project
Reefer PV
Reefer Equate
Bobtail PV
Flatbed Equate
Reefer PV

as you can see below here i have tow cloumn i want to count the reeferin a
cel from one first colum butt i don,t want to count that reefer which is not
belong to PV (second column).as like i at other cel i just want to count
Equate Reefer not PV.
can any one help me
colum 1
Type Project
Reefer PV
Reefer Equate
Reefer PV
Reefer Equate
Reefer PV

Gord Dibben

One of these.................



Second one has to be entered using CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER as it is an Array

For more on this type of formula see Bob Phillips' site.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Okay, put Reefer, Bobtail and Flatbed in cells C1 to C3, and put this
formula in D1:


and copy this into D2:D3. It should give you the subtotals you want
for each of the categories in column C.

I've assumed you have data in rows 1 to 1000, so adjust this if you
have more.

Hope this helps.


Teethless mama

Try one of these...



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