Calculation Question


Lynn Q

Hi there,

Sorry, this is probably a dumb question, for which I apologise.

Anyway, need to know how to calculate a vehicle's usage of fuel, in other
words miles per gallon (kilometres per litre).

I have a spreadsheet that shows:
Number of Litres to Fill
Reading (km) on each date
Total capacity of tank.

I want to see what the km/litre (mpg) is based on each fill-up.

I know what the number should be, but not how to tell Excel how to calculate
it. The numbers I get are out of whack.



Niek Otten

Hi Lynn,

With the kms in C and the Liters in B, the formula on line 2 should be:


Fill down as far as needed

Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

Lynn Q

Hi again,

Well, you know that was the formula I had except that I was using the
differential (c2-c1) in another column (d) and dividing that by the litres
in (b).

The vehicle in question tells me it's using 13 km/litre; whereas my
calculations are falling around 6.5. Odd, that.

So, any other ideas? Or is the vehicle display likely the error?

Thanks again.


Niek Otten

Hi Lynn,

Your display may indicate liters per 100 km. What car? USA USV or Japanese
1.0 litre?


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel


Lynn said:
Hi again,

Well, you know that was the formula I had except that I was using the
differential (c2-c1) in another column (d) and dividing that by th
in (b).

The vehicle in question tells me it's using 13 km/litre; whereas my
calculations are falling around 6.5. Odd, that.

So, any other ideas? Or is the vehicle display likely the error?

Thanks again.


Hi Lynn,

The formula given to you (and the one you are using) is correct.

How does the vehicle in question tell you that it is using 13 km per
Is this the rated mileage? If this (13 kpl) is indeed the rate
mileage, note that the actual consumption is always lower than th

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