I'm getting a calculation result I didn't expect and don't know where it's
coming from. I pasted a formula into a new cell and accidentally didn't
include the dollar sign to make it an absolute reference. Still, it did a
calculation on a dollar amount of $600, and a date of Mar 31 1993, and came
out with the result $20,435,400! I can't figure out how Excel is getting
this! I did 20,453,400/600, which gave me 34,059. But how does Excel get
that number from Mar 31 1993?
I'm getting a calculation result I didn't expect and don't know where it's
coming from. I pasted a formula into a new cell and accidentally didn't
include the dollar sign to make it an absolute reference. Still, it did a
calculation on a dollar amount of $600, and a date of Mar 31 1993, and came
out with the result $20,435,400! I can't figure out how Excel is getting
this! I did 20,453,400/600, which gave me 34,059. But how does Excel get
that number from Mar 31 1993?