Calculations in Word Tables



I have two problems.

First, I have a cell in a table in a Word Document. I want that cell, which
is bookmarked 'HTotal' to compare the numeric amount in another cell that is
bookmarked as 'CVATot' and if it's greater than 5000, show the total of

If CVATot > 5000 CVATot makes it show as text and not numbers.

Second problem. Compare the amounts of two other cells, and show the value
of the higher amount in the current cell.

I am at my wits end with this.


Never mind, I solved my problem. The Word help never mentions the use of
COMMAS. My formulae read as follows:

=IF(CVATot > 5000,CVATot,0.00)


=IF(ImpInc > AIATot,ImpInc,AIATot)



Word's IF function can work with either of two syntaxes, depending on what
type of inputs and outputs you're working with.

If you're working with numeric values exclusively, you can use the
{IF(1=2,3,4)} syntax. In any other case, you can only use the {IF A= B "C"
"D"} syntax, though you can leave out the quote marks if the result is an
unbroken string or another field.

In neither case is there any differentiation in numberic output. For
example, in the formula {IF(1=2,3,4)}, the '4' is exactly the same as the
'4' in {IF A= B "C" "4"}: both are numbers.

For more information on doing field-based calculations in Word, check out my
Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:


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