I have a very simple Front Page form, that mails the results to my e-mail.
The confirmation page display the user's inputs correctly. Below is the
script for the confirmation field (again, this part works):
Question 1: <!--webbot bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Q1" --></p>
<p>Question 2: <!--webbot bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Q2" --></p>
<p>Question 3: <!--webbot bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Q3" --></p>
In addition to displaying the user's inputs, I would like to display the sum
of three of the inputs on the confirmation page. I'm not certain that
variables are picking up the value from the confirmation field. This is the
script that I'm currently using:
var Q1Data = ParseInt(window.document.Q1.value);
var Q2Data = parseInt(window.document.Q2.value);
var Q3Data = parseInt(window.document.Q3.value);
Var Sec1Total = Q1Data + Q2Data + Q3Data;
Would you be so kind as to:
1) confirm that what I'm trying to do is possible
2) confirm that my "var" statements will or will not work (and how to
correct them)
The confirmation page display the user's inputs correctly. Below is the
script for the confirmation field (again, this part works):
Question 1: <!--webbot bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Q1" --></p>
<p>Question 2: <!--webbot bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Q2" --></p>
<p>Question 3: <!--webbot bot="ConfirmationField" S-Field="Q3" --></p>
In addition to displaying the user's inputs, I would like to display the sum
of three of the inputs on the confirmation page. I'm not certain that
variables are picking up the value from the confirmation field. This is the
script that I'm currently using:
var Q1Data = ParseInt(window.document.Q1.value);
var Q2Data = parseInt(window.document.Q2.value);
var Q3Data = parseInt(window.document.Q3.value);
Var Sec1Total = Q1Data + Q2Data + Q3Data;
Would you be so kind as to:
1) confirm that what I'm trying to do is possible
2) confirm that my "var" statements will or will not work (and how to
correct them)