Calculations on my report!



I have 2 tables, tblBorrower and tblTaxDoc..
tblBorrower has BorID(pk), LoanNo, RqstRcvdDate
tblTaxDoc has TaxDocID(pk), BorID(FK), TaxDocName, TaxDateRcvd

John Smith, LoanNo = 1234567890 rqstRcvdDate =12/01/05
TaxDocName = W2, 12/15/05
=1040, 12/15/05
=1099, 12/15/05

What I want my report do is as follows (based on RqstRcvdDate groupd the
information weekly)

Week# Document Total Docs
Week 52 (Total Requests = 1) ------------------> 'Question1
W2 1
1040 1
1099 1

Report Footer Syntax looks like this: ------------------>Question2

="Incoming Requests that are:
W2 = " & Abs(Sum(IIf([TaxdocName]="w2",([inrqsts],1,0)))) & "
1040 = " & Abs(Sum(IIf([TaxDocName]="1040",1,0))) & "
1099 = " & Abs(Sum(IIf([TaxDocName]="1099",1,0))) & "
1065 = " & Abs(Sum(IIf([TaxDocName]="1065",1,0))) & "
1120 = " & Abs(Sum(IIf([TaxDocName]="1120",1,0)))

The problem I have is
question 1 is that am not able to get that number correct
question 2 is that am not able to get the right numbers, its actually
counting the occurances on the report ie, if I had 3 weeks on my report and
W2 appears in on 2 weeks is says 2 instead of counting the the total docs
which could be more....

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