


here goes a doozy!!
I am going to give you an example of my calculations and
what is going on. I am sure it has to do with rounding
but don't know the best way to resolve it.
Here goes
Real actual values are fine but when they are truncated
they display wrong and make the data look wrong to the
customer on the Invoice

Actual Values
Total wt. Rate Line Balance
21.58 $11.825 $255.1834 (Total Wt.*Rate)

When use Round([field],2) in calculations

Total wt. Rate Line Balance
21.58 $11.82 $255.08 (Total Wt.*Rate)

This Line Balance need to equal the Prod. Total + Freight
Actual Values
Prod. total=cost*(markup+1)*grossweight
2.5*1.05*21.58 =56.6475
When round it get 56.65

Actual Values
Freight Total=cart rate* grossweight
9.20*21.58 =198.536
When round it get 198.54
When I add the actual freight + Prod get the for Line
Balance 255.1835(Great) but not when I add the rounded #s.

We want to display to only 2 decimals for all values on
the invoice so it looks NORMAL to the Customer but they
need to be able to calc. the bill rate * gross weight and
get the 255.18 by using the 2 decimal displayed #'s.

I am sure I am not the only person who has ever come over
this problem. Any quick ideas for invoicing.

HELP soon,

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