calendar box on form



I have a form with a dropdown box for calendar popup. OnMouseDown, calendar
appears and OnClick, it populates combo box frmBoxDatteDue and disappears.

However, when I submit the form and run a query, that combo box does not
provide data to the query. Why?

All the other boxes on the form work fine.

This syntax does not cause any error: [Forms]![frmNewPO]![frmBoxDatteDue]

Query: INSERT INTO PO ( PONo, Company, Factory, Datte, DatteDue )
SELECT [Forms]![frmNewPO]![frmBoxPrefix] & Format(Now(),"yy") &
Format(Now(),"mm") & Format(Now(),"hhnn") AS PO,
[Forms]![frmNewPO]![frmBoxCompany] AS Company,
[Forms]![frmNewPO]![frmBoxFactory] AS Factory, Now() AS OpenDatte,
[Forms]![frmNewPO]![frmBoxDatteDue] AS DateDue;


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