Calendar Control 10



I have a Calendar Control 10 object imbedded in one of my forms. The form
will has 5 date fields in it. I can successful enter dates into one field
using the following code.

Private Sub Calendar_Click()
DateTimeFollowup.Value = Calendar.Value
Calendar.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub DateTimeFollowup_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Calendar.Visible = True
Calendar.Value = IIf(IsNull(DateTimeFollowup), Date, DateTimeFollowup.Value)
End Sub

I would like to only use the one calendar object, and have its on click
event change as I move through my date fields.

Thanks in advance.


John said:
I have a Calendar Control 10 object imbedded in one of my forms. The form
will has 5 date fields in it. I can successful enter dates into one field
using the following code.

Private Sub Calendar_Click()
DateTimeFollowup.Value = Calendar.Value
Calendar.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub DateTimeFollowup_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Calendar.Visible = True
Calendar.Value = IIf(IsNull(DateTimeFollowup), Date, DateTimeFollowup.Value)
End Sub

I would like to only use the one calendar object, and have its on click
event change as I move through my date fields.

Here is a link to an AC2000 db with a Calendar Form that can be called to return a value to any text box,
by click, dblClick, or push button. Works with subforms and embedded subforms.

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