This is a conversion issue with 2000/2002 calendar drawings opened in 2003.
There's code you can run on the drawing in a macro to fix it this that I
provided below. I'd suggest making a copy of any affected drawings to back
them up before running this macro just to be safe.
To create the macro and run the code fix follow these steps:
1. Open the affected drawing in Visio, on the Tools menu, point to Macros
and click Visual Basic Editor.
2. In the Microsoft Visual Basic window click Insert > Module
3. In the code window on the right paste in the following code below the
4. Click on the Play button on the toolbar at the top, or press the F5 key
on the keyboard to run the macro code.
*You may need to lower the macro security under Tools > Macros > Security
in Visio to Medium and enable the macro before running.
Sub UpdateLargeCalendar()
Dim pagesObj
Dim pageObj As Page
Dim cellVal
Dim sheetName
Dim shapeObj As Shape
Dim masterObj As Master
On Error Resume Next
Set pagesObj = ActiveDocument.Pages
If (False = IsNull(pagesObj)) Then
For iCnt = 1 To pagesObj.Count
Set pageObj = pagesObj.Item(iCnt)
If (False = IsNull(pageObj)) Then
Debug.Print "Page Name: " & pageObj.Name
For ishapesCnt = 1 To pageObj.Shapes.Count
Set shapeObj = pageObj.Shapes.Item(ishapesCnt)
If (False = IsNull(shapeObj)) Then
Debug.Print "Shape Instance name: " & shapeObj.Name
Set masterObj = shapeObj.Master
' Check master shape if it is available
If (Len(masterObj.NameU) >= 11) Then
cellVal = Null
cellVal = masterObj.NameU
If (Left(cellVal, 11) = "Large month") Then
GetShapeToModify shapeObj
End If
Else ' No Master, check universal name
cellVal = Null
cellVal = shapeObj.NameU
If (Left(cellVal, 11) = "Large month") Then
GetShapeToModify shapeObj
End If
End If
End If
Next ishapesCnt
End If
Next iCnt
End If
End Sub
Sub GetShapeToModify(shapeObj As Shape)
Dim basePtSize
Dim shapeObjSub As Shape
basePtSize = 0.0139 'value for one (1) point
sheetName = GetLowestSheetName(shapeObj)
Set shapeObjSub = shapeObj.Shapes(sheetName)
If (False = IsNull(shapeObjSub)) Then
cellVal = Null
cellVal = shapeObjSub.Cells("Char.Size").Result("Point")
If (cellVal > 0) Then
pointSize = cellVal * basePtSize
shapeObjSub.CellsSRC(visSectionParagraph, 0, visSpaceLine) =
Debug.Print shapeObj.NameU & " calendar updated"
Else ' Set to a point size of 10 pt instead
pointSize = 10 * basePtSize
shapeObjSub.CellsSRC(visSectionParagraph, 0, visSpaceLine) =
Debug.Print shapeObj.NameU & " calendar updated"
End If
End If
End Sub
' Return the shape's universal name with the lowest 'Sheet.n' number
Function GetLowestSheetName(shapeObj As Shape)
Dim lowestSheetName, currentLowestNumber, shapeSub
currentLowestNumber = 0
For ishapesCnt1 = 1 To shapeObj.Shapes.Count
Set shapeSub = shapeObj.Shapes.Item(ishapesCnt1)
If (False = IsNull(shapeSub)) Then
cellVal = Null
cellVal = shapeSub.NameU
If (Left(cellVal, 6) = "Sheet.") Then
Dim SheetNumber
SheetNumber = shapeSub.ID
If (currentLowestNumber = 0) Then
currentLowestNumber = SheetNumber
lowestSheetName = cellVal
ElseIf (SheetNumber < currentLowestNumber And
Len(SheetNumber) <= Len(currentLowestNumber)) Then
currentLowestNumber = SheetNumber
lowestSheetName = cellVal
End If
End If
End If
Next ishapesCnt1
GetLowestSheetName = lowestSheetName
End Function
Best Regards,
Aaron Rykhus, MCP, MCDST
Online Support Engineer
Microsoft Corporation