Calendar displaying no information on user/resources + Delays in e



Hi! We are running into a problem where we have a user and a resource that
displays 'no information found' in their calendars after September 1st. We
have not found a reason as to why this would occur. This is seen in the
scheduling tab when trying to schedule a meeting with the user or scheduling
the resource for use. The calendars themselves w/in the user's/resource's
email accounts do not seem to be affected.

Also we are experiencing occasional delays in receiving emails. Has anyone
encountered this? It happens randomly and does not seem to stick to a
particular individual or group. It is also something that occurs w/both
internal and external email.

Any help would be welcomed. Thanks!


By default, the calendar is set to publish 2 months calendaring info in
advance. this can be changed in:-

Tools, Options, Calendar options, Free/Busy options. change from 2 months
to a desired time frame.

hope this helps.


In our calendar we have it set at 12mo...and only the one user and the
resource are experiencing difficulties. Thanks!


You need to change it on the resource, so you may need to log into that
account but not as an additional mailbox.


We are seeing similar behavior to what Julie has seen. Our IT Director spent
over an hour changing how far out our resources publish their free/busy,
making it through the end of the year. Now it appears that some resources
have reverted to only show free/busy up to September 1, 2005.

What could cause this??? I have been searching for 2 hours now and I am not
getting very far. Before we go and manually change all the resources
publishing again, it would be good to know how to keep us from having to do
this every couple of weeks.

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