Hi, user had a mailbox problem with his calendar. Now he has 2 calendars, 1-
holds all his meetings et al but this is not reflected in the TODO bar, 2-
holds only new items but is refelected in the TODO bar.
User want to select all the old calendar items and 'copy to...' but is
concerned that he may lose information on the transfer.
Please advise a) any danger of info getting lost [after all we are only
doing a copy so the original should still stay the same] b) where is the
calendar info kept? [I figure all in the exchange database,but I never seen a
duplicated calendar before].
holds all his meetings et al but this is not reflected in the TODO bar, 2-
holds only new items but is refelected in the TODO bar.
User want to select all the old calendar items and 'copy to...' but is
concerned that he may lose information on the transfer.
Please advise a) any danger of info getting lost [after all we are only
doing a copy so the original should still stay the same] b) where is the
calendar info kept? [I figure all in the exchange database,but I never seen a
duplicated calendar before].